Considering Telecommuting and Distributed Work
Shizuka Takamura/Associate Professor, Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management
Area of Specialization: Business Administration(Human Resource Management)
Examining Law from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology
Sayaka Takano/Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies
Creation of a New Form of Imprisonment
Further enhancement of treatment and introduction of various systems to support rehabilitation
Makoto Tadaki/Professor, Faculty of Law, Chuo University
Area of Specialization: Criminal Jurisprudence
Experimental Study of Bottleneck Traffic Congestion
Hironori Otsubo/Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Management, Chuo University
Area of Specialization: Experimental Economics
Organizational and national cultures, employee attitudes, and management practices
Takashi Sakikawa/Professor, Faculty of Global Management, Chuo University
Research interests: organizational culture and cross-cultural management
Emotion Analysis for Tweets Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
Hidetsugu Nanba/Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
Area of Specialization: Natural Language Processing
Is the Egyptian Army a Political Organization?
Emi Suzuki/Professor, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University (Asian and African History)
Areas of Specialization: Modern Egyptian History and Modern Arabic History
The Path to Regional Revitalization Through Autonomous Driving
Masahiro Yoshida/Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Informatics (iTL), Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: IoT and AI
How to Deal with the Diminished Awareness of Spending When Using Mobile Payment? Psychological Effect of Typeface Used to Display Amount
Jaewoo Park/Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: Consumer Behavior and Sensory Marketing
Will Subsidies to Regional Areas Lead to Regional Revitalization?
Kazuyasu Kawasaki
Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: Regional Economics, Public Policy, and Public Economics
Do Chinese parents care about their children?
Tang Cheng
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chuo University
Area of specialization: Chinese Economics
A New Eye for Exploring the Physics of Extreme Environments in the Universe
―Launch of IXPE, an Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer―
Wataru Iwakiri
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: Elementary Particles, Atomic Nuclei, Cosmic Rays, and Cosmic Physics
How Did Boy Actors Portray Juliet?
――An attempt to reconstruct lost performances――
Asuka Kimura
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University
Area of Specialization: Early Modern British Theater
"The Will Cannot be Represented"―On the Relationship between a Representative System and People's Passivity
Hiroko Naruko
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: History of Social Thought, History of Political Thought, and Gender Theory
Devising a Bridge between Education at the Law School and Education in the Faculty of Law
Shinichiro Toyama
Professor, Chuo Law School, Member of Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association
Areas of Specialization: Corporate Compliance, Modern Contract Law, Tort and Compensation Law (traffic accidents, medical malpractice, nuclear accidents, etc.), Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act, Labor Law, Insolvency Proceeding Law, Financial Legal Affairs, Antitrust Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Legal Economics
Restricting the Movement of Persons Across National Borders ― Consideration During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Emiko Nakasaka
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: International Law, International Human Rights Law, Immigrant Law & Refugee Law
Overcoming Trauma! What Are Psychological Disaster-Preparedness Drills and Psychological Warmup Exercises?
Yasushi Kyutoku/Associate Professor of Chuo University Research and Development Initiative in the Faculty of Science and Engineering
Area of Research: Health Psychology
What is Management that Achieves Sustainability?--Collaboration between Japan and Thailand--
Yuri Kimura
Professor, Faculty of Global Management, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: Asian Management and Multicultural Management
Digital Platforms and the Law
Mika Nakashima
Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University
Areas of Specialization: Civil Law, Information Law and Competition Law
Challenge the Mystery of Cyanobacteria--The Key to Glacier Shrinkage Due to Global Warming
Chuo-Online: Interview with Young Researcher
Ayumi Kizawa
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University