
  • インプレッシブ賞
    ( 個人の部)

  • 渡邊 永望さん 
    Ms. Watanabe Eimi

    横浜市立大学 国際総合科学部
    国際総合科学科 4年

Hello, I am standing here today to propose the opportunity to seek our own true colors without any judgment. So that we can color this society bright.
My name is Eimi Watanabe, I am currently studying Social linguistics at Yokohama City University.

This is today’s agenda, and let me start with objectives for today’s presentation.
One main objective is “Make a workshop program to educate the young generation about the LGBT community.” And I put two sub-objectives below that, “Raise the awareness about the LGBT community and knowledge among the young generation in Japan” and “Let Japanese students think and learn to respect each other and to learn self-worth.

So let’s get into it!
First of all, what is LGBT??
LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. It is said that almost 8 percent of the population in Japan is defined as LGBT.
This is the same amount of people with the left-handed, so we can’t just ignore them, can we?
Sadly two-thirds of LGBT young people have experienced bullying at schools. Also one in five has experienced a physical attack and/or sexual harassment.

This graphic shows sexual orientation laws in each country. The bluer country is advanced with protection for the LGBT community which means recognition of the LGBT is obviously high and the redder country is they have fewer laws that protect the LGBT people.
Let’s take a look at Japan.
When Dentsu did a survey asking “Have you ever heard of the word “LGBT”?” in 2017, only 40% of them said yes, and in 2018, almost 70% of them said yes.
SO yes, the number of people who know the word LGBT is increasing.
However, when the same question was asked to middle schoolers and high schoolers, the result was shocking to me. Only 20% of them have heard the word “LGBT”.
Only 20 %.
This raises the issue we have here in Japan.
The recognition of the LGBT community is growing, however, the recognition among the young generation is still low.
The acceptance, support, and understandings of the LGBT community are not enough and Japan is many steps behind the world.
Since we know the issue, let me explain the target, the target would be the young generation who currently enrolled in schools in Japan.
But I would like to turn a spotlight on 2nd grader in middle school.
They are in a final transition period to be an independent adult, and they began to seriously explore how to live in society, but they are still mentally unstable.
When MEXT took a survey to middle schoolers and high schoolers, so many of them have experienced thinking that they are useless to live a life.
So it seems they are too young and vulnerable to learn about LGBT. But because they are young and vulnerable they have the possibility and full of potential to grow as a tolerant human being.
Even though many of middle schoolers and high schoolers do not know what the word “LGBT”, 90% of students who learned about LGBT community thought that learning about LGBT is not only about others but also about them.
Therefore I believe they are the perfect target for my project.
Finally, I will explain how my project will look like.
This is my campaign calendar.
My campaign will be a yearly program, and I want this project to be one part of the school program so that it is going to be a mandatory education and they will get equal opportunity to learn.
I divided into two phases.
The first phase is classes and the second phase is workshops.

Let me explain one by one. First, Classes. This is going to be a classroom lecture. The theme of this classroom lectures is “What we should know about LGBT” and “How important to know about yourself.” There are two pillars.

What I am showing you here now is the one example syllabus I came up with.
They will learn about general information and facts about the LGBT community and mental health.
Why Mental health? Since my target is still mentally unstable, I want them to understand who they really are first. I believe By knowing who they are first, will definitely help students to understand and accept others purely as they are.
Not only lectures but also classes include video materials and panel discussions by LGBT people and medical people. These classes let students think about the issues which the LGBT community faces now and our own mental health.
Next up, Phase 2 WORKSHOP #1
I set the theme, “Know who you are.” It sounds like Disney princes story theme and maybe it sounds familiar but I truly believe this is important.
Again, two pillars, “Who am I?” and “Know the importance of self.”
I would call these workshops, “Self-discovery activity. ” I will let them find their true colors.
Workshops will be in some kind of art form, dance, singing, drawing, writing, and sports. I want students to have fun first, and let them realize like “Oh, this is fun, I like this. ” or “Hmmm, this was interesting, I want to try again.”
Through those workshops, they will face who they are and how people are different. Furthermore, they will learn to accept as they are. No judgments, No exams, No competition. But Yes, respect, Yes embracing each other, Yes applause.
These workshops are aiming to let the students realize the importance of self and self-care.
Students will learn to respect others to accept the differences.
And last but not least, Phase 2 WORKSHOP#2
In these workshops, students will finally engage with LGBT people and output what they have learned throughout the year.
I set the theme, “What we can do to make a better Japan for everyone. ”
Again, two pillars. “See the world from a different point of view” and “What we can do”.

In the workshops, students will be divided into groups and they will have a mentor throughout these workshops. And of course, that mentor is LGBT people.
The student will be asked to make a presentation, or play or some other art form with their mentor to express what kind of society they want to create in the future, or what they have learned throughout a year program. And that presentation will be a rap up for this whole program. I believe in the possibility of youth in Japan and I believe this project can educate so many youths in Japan so that we can change Japan and also the world.
They will lead the next generation of Japan and the future of this society.
If we can educate them right, the future is full of hope and possibilities.

Let them have an opportunity to find their true colors, I hope you will hop on this journey with me and find your true colors as well.

Thank you.

日本におけるLGBTの認知度は上がってきていますが、若い世代の間での認知度はまだ低いということです。 LGBTコミュニティーの受け入れ、サポートそして理解度というものは十分とは言えず、日本は世界に対して遅れをとっているということです。 ここで、問題点がはっきりしたので、私のプログラムの対象者に関して話させてください。対象は日本国内で現在学校に在学している生徒達です。 しかし、私は中学校二年生に対象をさらに絞り込みたいと思います。
その為、彼らはLGBTのことに関して学ぶには若すぎる、繊細すぎるのではないかと思うかもしれませんが、若く繊細だからこそ、大きな可能性を秘めていると私は考えています。 日本の中高生の多数がLGBTのことを知らないと言いましたが、彼ら、彼女らが、実際にLGBTに関して学んだ場合、そのうちの約90%の生徒がLGBTに関して学ぶことは他者だけのことではなく、自分自身のことにも関係すると答えています。なので、彼らはは私のプロジェクトに適していると信じています。




