
  • 優 秀 賞

  • 左から
    相川 元宏さん Mr. Aikawa Motohiro
    一橋大学 経済学部 経済学科 4年
    黒住 奈生さん Ms. Kurosumi Nao
    東京大学 教養学部 教養学科 総合社会科学分科 相関社会科学 4年
    由地 莉子さん Ms. Yuji Riko
    東京大学 教養学部 教養学科 総合社会科学分科 国際関係論 4年

Nao Kurosumi, Motohiro Aikawa (Students)
Good morning Ms. Yuji.

Riko Yuji (Teacher)
Good morning Nao, good morning Moto.
Okay, boys can you start cleaning up the classroom?

Motohiro Aikawa
Only boys, okay.

Riko Yuji
Okay, girls you have to start studying. The problem set is on your desk.

Nao Kurosumi

Riko Yuji
Moto you should clean up much more carefully, unless you will not be able to get married.

Motohiro Aikawa

Riko Yuji
Nao are you still working on the first question? You should work much harder to get into a good university.

Nao Kurosumi
Okay, I got it.

Riko Yuji
Did you find that something is strange here? Boys are forced to clean up while girls are studying. This represents the reversed version of the traditional gender roles, which is women do housework while men go to work. This is what we are going to do in our workshop, GenderRES Day.

What do we try to address by reversing the gender roles? We aim to build empathy between men and women of the future generations. We believe that empathy is crucial because it can bridge the perception gaps between men and women.

Motohiro Aikawa
What do we mean by perception gap? Look at this graph. This graph shows how much housework men and women think they do. Men think that they do 30% of the housework, which seems to be only 10% in women’s perspective. In contrast, women think they do most of the housework, 90%, which seems to be 70% in men’s perspective.

We can see a significant perception gap between men and women. Then, how do we bridge this perception gap? We believe putting men and women into the shoes of the opposite sex is crucial. This will enable men to experience how hard it is to be the main homecare taker and the women to experience how much pressure men still feel to provide for family. If both men and women understand the opposite gender role, they will be more respectful and be more willing to share the responsibilities.

Nao Kurosumi
Let’s take a closer look at our workshop. In our workshop GenderRES Day, student will reverse the gender role, empathize with the opposite sex and then will share the responsibility together. The important thing here is that we put equal emphasis on boys and girls. We will not aim to make boys feel the suffering of women. We believe that gender equality is not just women’s issues but it’s everyone’s problem.

Our workshop is designed for the junior high school students. This is because they become more aware of their gender around this age. Also, they start to notice that they are treated differently based on their gender in society. But still, they are flexible enough to question gender norms.

Riko Yuji
Our workshop consists of four stages which are experience, awareness, action, and reflection. In the experience stage, as we showed in the play in at the beginning, teachers will impose reversed gender roles. For example, teachers will only listen to the opinion of girls in class. While advice advising on their career planning, teachers will require girls to enter high ranked universities to provide for families.

During lunch time boys have to prepare meals for girls. After lunch, instead, girls are not allowed to choose desserts before the boys do. Students will probably feel that something is unusual while the teachers will pretend as if there is nothing wrong.

Motohiro Aikawa
The next stage is awareness. Students will understand what the experience stage was meant for and will find out what they can do to fix this unfair treatment in the workshop. We use A sheet here. First, we ask students to make a list of what they thought was different from a normal day. For instance, some boys might say that I was really surprised because teachers forced only boys to clean up in the morning because boys and girls always share the work at school. And, some girls might say that I felt really upset because teachers told me just to go to the high ranked university. Then, we will explain that all the strange things happening in the last stage represent the reversed gender roles in the society. Next, after that we will encourage students to discuss what they can do to fix this unfairness preparing for the next stage.

Nao Kurosumi
In the third stage, which is action stage, students will be encouraged to confront unfair treatment which teachers will continue topose on them. The action will be based on the idea in the last awareness stage. For example, when a teacher tells boys to clean up and girls to study, the students will protest teacher and suggest that boys and girls should finish cleaning together so that they both can study.

To motivate them to take action, it is important that they acknowledge each other for their efforts. However, students might be too shy to do that. Therefore, we will introduce Thanks Cards. When a student wants to thank someone for fixing an unfair treatment, he or she can give them this Thanks Cards.

Riko Yuji
In the last stage, which is reflection, students will think about how they should act in real life by looking back on the workshop. We will use this R sheet. First, the facilitators will ask the whole class what they gave Thanks Cards for? Some boys might say they felt thankful for girls asking the teacher to listen to boys’ opinions. In this way students will find out that if boys and girls cooperate and share responsibilities they can both live better lives.

Then, the facilitators will lead the discussion on how to apply this experience into real life? Students will think about what those experiences actually represent in society and also think about what actions they can take when they face these situations in real. Action stage can be as a good lesson. For example, if students suggested that boys and girls should finish cleaning together in the action stage, they will also think that they should share housework with their partners in real life. Reflection stage will help students keep this learning process cycling even after the workshop.

Motohiro Aikawa
In order to manage this workshop, facilitators and teachers are obviously important. We, as the staff of the organizations working for gender equality, will join this workshop as facilitators. Students will be divided into small groups in awareness stage and reflection stage. And, we are going to lead the discussion. Likewise, teachers must be good actors in experience stage. We will train them by showing some video clips and by leading the rehearsal explaining what they have to do during the workshop.

Thanks Card is a good incentive for students to take action. In addition, Thanks Card can serve as a measurement of the workshop itself. The more time students exchange Thanks Cards, the more our workshop has been achieved, because the more students thought about what they can do to fix this unfairness in this workshop.

Nao Kurosumi
Throughout our workshop, junior high school students will experience the social gender roles that bind the opposite sex. This will cultivate empathy and imagination towards each other, which is necessary in gender equal society.
Stop for a while. What does gender equality mean? We do not think that it is just an equality between men and women. Bridging this gender gap, we define a gender equal society as one in which each and every one of us is equal. That is, we can decide our own ways based on our preferences regardless of gender norms.

Our workshop will raise the next generation who will be willing to share responsibilities and will eventually be free from gender norms. We believe that such young people will contribute towards building the ideal GenderRES society.


あなたはここで何かが変だと気がつきましたか?女子たちが勉強をしている間、男子生徒は掃除をさせられています。これは、男性が仕事に行く間に女性が家事をするという古くからある性別役割分担を逆転させたものを象徴しています。これこそが、私たちのワークショップ、GenderRES Day (ジェンダーレスデイ)でやろうとしていることです。性別役割分担を逆転させることで私たちは何にアプローチしようとしているのでしょうか?私たちは将来世代の男性と女性の間に共感を育むことを目指しています。私たちは共感は非常に重要だと信じています、なぜなら共感は男女間の認識の違いを埋めることができるからです。


私たちのワークショップをさらに詳しく見てみましょう。GenderRES Day (ジェンダーレスデイ)のワークショップでは、生徒は性別役割を逆転(Reverse)させ、異性に共感(Empathize)し、そして共に責務を分かち合う(Share)体験をします。ここで大切なのは、私たちが、男子と女子に同様の重要性を置くことです。私たちは、男女平等とは、女性の問題だけでなく、全ての人の問題だと信じています。



彼らが行動を起こすように動機を与えるには、彼らの努力を互いに認め合うことが大切です。 しかし、生徒はそれを恥ずかしがるかもしれません。そこで、サンクスカードを使用します。ある不平等な扱いを改善してくれた人に対して生徒が感謝したいと思ったとき、このサンクスカードをその人に渡すことができるのです。

最後の振り返りのステージでは、生徒たちはワークショップを振り返って、実際の生活の中でどのように行動するべきかを考えます。私たちはこのRシートを使用します。 まず、ファシリテーターはクラス全体に、どういう行いに対してサンクスカードを送ったのかを尋ねます。男子の中には、女子たちが先生に、男子たちの意見も聞くように言ってくれて、感謝していると言う人もいるかもしれません。このようにして、生徒は、男子と女子が協力して責任を分かち合うと、どちらもより良い生活を送ることができることを知るでしょう。


ここで考えてみてください。ジェンダー平等とは、どういう意味でしょう?私たちは、男女間の平等だけを言っているのではありません。性差を越えて1人1人が平等な社会を、私たちはジェンダー平等な社会と定義します。これはつまり、私たちが皆、ジェンダー規範に関係なく、自分の好みに基づいて自分の人生を決めることができるということです。 私たちのワークショップは、進んで責任を分かち合い、ゆくゆくは性規範から解放される次の世代を育てます。私たちは、このような若者が、理想のGenderRES社会の構築に貢献してくれると信じています。
