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The Waseda University Hirayama Ikuo Volunteer Center (WAVOC) Conducting aid activities in Tanohata Village, Iwate Prefecture

Tanohata Village, Shimanokoshi District

Tanohata Village, Shimanokoshi District

Cleaning up fishing tools which were washed up by the tsunami

Cleaning up fishing tools which were washed up by the tsunami

Organizing aid products

Organizing aid products

Cleaning photographs (the bulletin board and shelves were made by Professor Furuya)

Cleaning photographs (the bulletin board and shelves were made by Professor Furuya)

In order to aid areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Waseda University Hirayama Ikuo Volunteer Center (WAVOC) is conducting aid activities in Tanohata Village, Iwate Prefecture.

Tanohata Village is located on the Sanriku Coast in Iwate Prefecture. For 50 years, a Waseda University student group named the Thoughtful Forest Association (student association; WAVOC accredited project "Thoughtful Forest Cultivation") has acted as a pioneer of university-community partnerships, conducting forest cultivation and exchange activities with Tanohata Village

All of the coastline settlements within the village were completely destroyed by the tsunami which resulted from the recent earthquake. A total of 40 people are either dead or missing.

No disaster volunteer centers have been established in the village. Therefore, from April 21st (Thurs.) to 25th (Mon.), WAVOC deployed an advance team composed of current and former students associated with the Thoughtful Forest Association. The team conducted a survey to determine the type of aid required by the village. As a result of the survey, the Thoughtful Forest Association held volunteer activities in the village from April 29th (Fri.) to May 5th (Thurs.). 27 current and former students participated in activities which were based out of Aojishi Dormitory, a facility of Waseda University located in the village. Volunteers sorted aid supplies in emergency shelters, used water to wash photographs found in disaster areas and worked to restore tourist spots within the village.

Additionally, Professor Osamu Soda (Faculty of Social Sciences) held an onsite survey of damage immediately after the earthquake. Professor Nobuaki Furuya (Faculty of Science and Engineering) used cardboard to set items such as dressing rooms, cases for personal possessions and bulletin boards in emergency shelters. At the request of the village mayor, Professor Soda and Professor Furuya are involved in the long-term reconstruction of the Village as a member of the Tanohata Village Reconstruction Planning Committee.

Preparations are currently being made so that student can conduct volunteer activities while staying overnight in the village during summer vacation.

(May 13th, 2011)