トップ>HAKUMON Chuo【2012年冬号】>【スピーチはオバマ米大統領のように】英語弁論大会で優勝した
嶋谷 彩子さん/中央大学総合政策学部1年
Ayako Shimatani
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I am here to raise awareness about one of the most problematic facts of the world.
Did you know that more than 10 million animals are used for animal testing every year in Japan? To compare the statistics with something you are familiar with, 10 million is more than the whole population of 23 wards of Metropolitan Tokyo. In fact, the real number of animals used for animal testing is unknown, since there is no obligation for the institutions carrying out animal testing to open up the statistics to the public. Therefore, the shocking number of 10 million is only the tip of an iceberg. Tremendous number of animals are abused and murdered by human beings. Today, I am going to mention two important reasons why I am against animal testing both from ethical and scientific points of view.
The biggest and the worst problem with animal testing is its testing method. The testing done on animals is often extremely cruel and brutal. For example, to test a cosmetic ingredient, poor rabbits are bound so that they may not move, with their eyes fixed with clips. Then, they are applied some chemical substance that will be used to make cosmetics - right on their eyes. They cannot move, scream nor cry. And this brutal abuse is done just to make cosmetic products. Cosmetic products are made for us to look good, and looking good does not directly relate to human survival. Moreover, cosmetics can be made without animal testing, often by using natural ingredients. There are many existing firms that make cosmetics without testing on animals such as Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics - a famous cosmetic company from the United Kingdom and there are testing methods that do not involve animal abuse. Thus, animals are being shocked, made sick, hit, starved, brain-damaged, isolated, poisoned in animal testing and, in the worst case, murdered after all the sufferings for nothing but sick human desires.
Now, I am quite sure some would argue "animal testing is still necessary because it is good for us, humans. Making medicines with animal testing would save so many people's lives!" No. In fact, it is doing completely opposite to humans because the accuracy of the result of animal testing is highly questionable. A group of doctors called AFMA, which stands for Americans for Medical Advancement states that the results shown upon testing animals may not apply to human beings and that animal testing is therefore invalid and unnecessary. Each species differs so that the reactions the animals get from a particular chemical substance may not be the reactions that humans get as well. What we gain from the results of animal testing could only give us a clue or a hint. If the test gives us an invalid result, this means that medicines or other products such as cosmetics and toiletries made through animal testing would harm not only animals but human beings. Therefore here again, animals are abused for nothing at all!
Do you now still think that animal testing is necessary? I think animals also have rights. Human beings are just one of the animals and there should be no superiority in being a human, nor inferiority in being an animal. Animals do have feelings just like us and they have rights to spend their happy life just as anyone else does. They should be treated equally and ethically. Sadly enough, most major Japanese cosmetic firms and many foreign cosmetic firms still test on animals. However, in EU member countries, the import and sale of animal tested cosmetics will be banned in 2013. Animal testing on cosmetics has already been banned in Europe since 2009 and the new law will further ban the companies outside EU to test on animals, including Japanese companies because they will have to stop animal testing if they wanted to sell their products in the EU countries. These decisions of EU show a hopeful path to abolishing animal testing. Why not make the world where animals and human beings all live happily together?
Thank you very much for your attention.