Top>News> Hayasaka translates Musil bio
Chuo University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor Nanao Hayasaka and his team of 10 researchers succeeded in publishing the third and final volume of the Japanese translation of Musil, a biography of Robert Musil, written by German Karl Corino.
When the biography Musil was published in 2003, Professor Hayasaka, who is a researcher of the Austrian writer Robert Musil, began translating the 2000 page book, finishing after 13 years and 3 volumes.
Professor Hayasaka’s accomplishment was recognized in newspapers in Switzerland (Neue Zurcher Zeitung) and Austria (Kleine Zeitung) in March 2016. The literary critic Oliver Pfohlmann commented that Professor Hayasaka and his team created the translation with the spirit of Zen.
Related link:
Eine Musil-Biografie auf Japanisch
(article in German, from the Neue Zurcher Zeitung, March 29, 2016)