Top>News> Chuo’s VP visits Shanghai’s USST
▼From left: USST Director of International Affairs Ma, USST's VP Tian, Chuo's VP Takeishi, USST's Director of Japanese Culture Center He, and USST's Assistant of Japanese Culture Center Luo.
Chuo University’s Vice President and Director of International Center Chikako Takeishi visited University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) on January 18, 2016. Vice President Takeishi met with USST’s Vice President, Professor Tian Weifeng, Director of International Affairs Ma Xiaoting, Director of Japanese Culture Center He Weiming, and Assistant of Japanese Culture Center Luo Ruijia.
After a friendly introduction of participating members, there was a welcoming speech by USST’s Vice President Tian Weifeng followed by a thank you speech by Director of International Affairs Ma Xiaoting for the time she visited Chuo University in May 2015.
From Chuo University, Vice President Takeishi made a speech expressing gratitude towards the continuous network building and exchange activities between the two institutions, including the one month student tour to Japan organized by USST’s Japanese Culture Center, and the Business Research Program for Chuo students visiting Shanghai organized by Chuo’s Career Design Support Center.
From USST, there was a request for stronger advertising of the current exchange activities. Also, there was a suggestion for a joint event with Chuo during the celebration for the 110th anniversary of USST this year.
The meeting ended with a promising conclusion to continue discussions for further joint activities between the two institutions.