Top>News> Takeuchi selected for CREST
A research proposal by Professor Ken Takeuchi (Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering; Faculty of Science and Engineering) was selected for the JST Strategic Basic Research Programs (CREST).
By coordinating and fusing research for the optimization of materials and electronic devices/systems, this research field seeks to demonstrate a path to innovation by realizing research and development for new functions and dramatic improvements in information processing energy efficiency.
A total of twenty-two applications were submitted for the recent CREST selection. Four of these proposals were selected, including the research submission of Professor Takeuchi, who proposed research and development for the long-term storage of digital data.
Research Field: Creation of innovate nano-electronics through the fusion of materials and device systems Research Supervisor: Professor Takayasu Sakurai (Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.) Selected Theme: Highly-reliable memory system for long-term storage of digital data