Top>News> Imahori awarded in Operations Research
Photo right: Professor Shinji Imahori, Center: Chien Yuyao, Left: Mutsunori Yagiura
Information and System Engineering Department Professor Shinji Imahori’s paper, “Enumerating Bottom-Left Stable Positions for Rectangle Placements with Overlap” (co-written with Chien Yuyao and Mutsunori Yagiura of Nagoya University, and Yuma Tanaka of Seikei University), which was published in the “Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan”, has been awarded the 5th Best Paper of the Year of the Operations Research Society of Japan.
The “Best Paper of the Year” is given to the most outstanding paper from those published in the Journal in the past year. (*An outline of the award is reprinted partially from this link to Operations Research Society of Japan website.)
Reason for the award
This paper presents procedures that, in regards to the given layout of overlapping rectangles, enumerate all the bottom-left stable positions of rectangles placed in the following way. This is the first research that looks into enumeration procedures of placements with overlap, and by presenting an algorithm that actually provides numerical values, it was highly rated for its promotion of practicability.