Top>News> Yamamura selected for MOE fund
A team of researchers led by Associate Professor Hiroshi Yamamura (Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Faculty of Science and Engineering) was selected for the 2015 Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment.
Research Theme:
Utilization of used seawater desalination membranes in the development of a system for reusing factory waste water in industrials zones of developing nations.
Research period:
FY 2015 to FY 2017
Research Overview:
There has been a rapid increase in the use of desalination membranes for filtering seawater into drinking water. The disposal of used membranes has become an issue.
Furthermore, industrial zones in Asia lack water resources and there is rapidly increasing demand for a stable supply of cheap and high-quality factory water.
In response, a team of researchers led by Hiroshi Yamamura are seeking to revise used membranes which are generated from the desalination process, and to apply the revised membranes to the supply of factory water.
The following research initiatives will be executed in a three-year period.
Hiroshi Yamamura leads the Sustainable Water Metabolic System Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society. With a focus on comprehensive management of water essential for urban living, the laboratory conducts the following types of research.
Please visit the laboratory homepage for more information on research.
Link: Sustainable Water Metabolic System Engineering Laboratory
Link: Overview of the MOE’s Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (MOE homepage)
Link: Overview of newly-selected research themes for FY 2015 (MOE homepage)