Top>News> Taniguchi 3rd in World Relay
On Monday, May 18, 2015, 20 students participating in the Japan Program for the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS) visited Chuo’s Tama Campus. The TnCIS is a consortium made of 19 universities in Tennessee, including Chuo’s partner institution, East Tennessee State University.
Following last year’s visit, this year marks the second time for Chuo and students from Tennessee to meet. The three-week program provides an excellent opportunity for students to exchange and learn about each other’s cultures and values. The students who visited Chuo majored in Marketing, Economics, and Philosophy, and participated in classes in Chuo’s Korakuen Campus on other days.
At G Square (Tama Campus), the Tennessee students were welcomed by students and staff including English language club members, and other exchange students from the US, France, and Germany. The guests took part in Origami making and experienced the Japanese drums (Wadaiko) after hearing Chuo’s Wadaiko club “Ko-ou” ‘s performance.
We hope that students benefit from this experience and deepen their interest and further studies about each other’s cultures. We are also looking forward to having more exchange events in the future.
See here for
Tennessee Consortium for International Studies(Study Abroad / Japan)