Top>News> JPSJ Outstanding Referees Award
Professor Emeritus Mitsugu Matsushita (Faculty of Science and Engineering) and Professor Kenji Yonemitsu (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering) were presented with the JPSJ Outstanding Referees Award.
The JPSJ (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan) is an English-language journal which is published by the Physical Society of Japan and read by subscribers throughout the world. The JPSJ recorded an impact factor of 2.9 in 2010 and is held in extremely high regard as a scientific journal published by Japan.
Outstanding referees who screen theses are essential in order to maintain this high level of quality. In addition to possessing superior knowledge in a specific field of physics, referees must be devoted to contributing to the growth of their field.
Starting from this year, the Physical Society of Japan will present the Outstanding Referees Award to honor ten especially preeminent referees from the JPSJ. The affiliation of award-winning referees in 2015 is as follows: Tohoku University: 1, National Institute for Materials Science: 1, The University of Tokyo: 2, Chuo University: 2, Nagoya University: 2, Kyoto University: 1, and Kobe University: 1.
It is a great honor for two professors from Chuo University to have been selected together with other universities and research institutions which fulfill a leading role in Japan.