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Chuo’s Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility of Chuo University

Chuo University, with a mission to “gain vast knowledge, teach and research the theory and application of specialized fields, nurture unique and diverse minds, and contribute to the development and foundation of culture as well as the social welfare of society and mankind,” has committed to contributing to the society by developing its education and research based on the founding spirit of “Fostering the Ability to Apply Knowledge to Practice.” The role Chuo is expected to play is to develop the arena of education and research, develop those studying at Chuo so they will contribute to the society, and through their achievements enrich the society. Not only is Chuo expected to make these social contributions, but the university is also required to strive to hear the needs of the society, and to work together, demonstrating open social activities as a university system that holds abundance of knowledge, human resources, various assets, and over 30,000 students and faculty from a diverse background and age. Through these activities the university will foster new values. These values are beneficial both to the students and faculty as well as the society.

In addition to its founding mission of education and research, Chuo University will focus on Social Cooperation (co-working of Chuo students, faculty, system, and community) and Social Contribution (contributing for the growth of the society as a whole, including the local, domestic, international, economic and cultural communities), through various initiatives under the university message of Knowledge into Action. Through these initiatives, the university declares its commitment to solving various issues around in both local and nation levels, as well as its contribution to improving global-level issues.

The following are specific ways Chuo University will demonstrate social responsibility.

Coexisting with many levels of communities

Chuo University promises to raise awareness of coexisting with a range of different communities with diverse cultural backgrounds, especially the local community, and work together to contribute to them. The university will continue its activities that are beneficial for the various communities, through policy cooperation with the local government, utilizing the university facilities and intellectual assets, and support of student and faculty volunteers.

Academic function

By cooperating closely with various communities, Chuo University will provide an education system for the students to learn from the society while contributing to it. Focus will be placed especially on stimulating exchange programs for students as well as researchers, aiming to become the global hub of mutual understanding for people and intellectual purposes.

Research function

The researching activities at Chuo University will not only be kept within its campus, but will work together with both domestic and international researchers and institutions to cooperate with different communities including industry-government-academia. The university will contribute to the building of new intellectual foundations and create the various intellectual assets required by the society.

Based on this philosophy, Chuo University strives to deepen its activities to demonstrate social responsibility, and to openly communicate information related to social cooperation and contribution to society.

April 4, 2014
Chuo University