Top>News>Satellite research location
Chuo University has been selected as a satellite research location for the MEXT’s Center of Innovation Science and Technology based Radical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program (COI STREAM), a program for the formation of a large-scale research center. Representing Chuo University in COI STREAM is Professor Mikiko Ishikawa (Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Faculty of Science and Engineering). The COI STREAM is a vision-driven research program that focuses the goal of an ideal society while considering how people and society will have changed after 10 years. From June 2013, the program has accepted application for the 3 fields of “Human Happiness” (Vision 1), “Innovative Ways of Thinking” (Vision 2) and “Multi-Century Urban Development” (Vision 3). From among 190 applications, Chuo University was selected as a satellite research location for Vision 3.
Professor Ishikawa’s theme is the construction of a sustainable water-human environment based on general circulation of water. Through her research, she seeks to form an aqua-innovation center which will contribute to sustainability and the world’s rich living environment. Cooperating research institutions include Hitachi Corporation and Shinshu University (responsible for systemization of water-creating technology), Sony Computer Science Laboratories (in charge of social vision and system design for nature/water circulation), JAMSTEC (analysis of water circulation on a global scale), and the University of Tokyo (comprehensive analysis, forecast and simulation for water circulation). Chuo University is responsible for presentation and social application of a grand design which will realize a society with coexistence of nature and people through water in regions/watershed areas.
Specifically, the Chuo University satellite location will conduct research activities for the presentation and social application of a new urban/regional planning methodology which respects the lifestyles and culture of people. This methodology shall be founded on watershed area planning which is based simulation analysis which considers changes in the water environment caused by climate change. The main research fields are 1) considering the Tokyo metropolitan area from the perspective of exposing global environmental problems which exist in mega-cities, 2) reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and 3) research targeting Asian countries.
In the first research field, simulations will be conducted based disaster-risk analysis which includes earthquakes, localized torrential rainfall and the heat-island phenomenon in Tokyo. Through the presentation of applicable urban environmental policy, core research will be conducted to transform Tokyo into a true “environmental city” in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Regarding the second field, Chuo University has played a leading role in reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake by implementing integrated urban development in disaster areas. Currently, it is necessary to move beyond individual communities and propose a grand design for cooperation across a broad region. In particular, issues such as a major shift in agricultural structure, optimization of water usage and promotion of renewable energy are applicable to all of Japan, not just the Tohoku region. As such, this research has a very important role to fulfill.
The third field involves cooperation with Asian countries. The Chuo University Science of Faculty and Engineering has an outstanding record of performance in the fields of river environments, water resources, energy and social infrastructure. Our school is earnestly promoting interaction with Asia through our Program for Capacity Building in Global Water-Environmental Engineering. Furthermore, our school plays a central role in the E-ASIA Research Program for social infrastructure development.
The Chuo University research satellite location will join past accomplishments and future potential in order to promote new development.
In April 2013, the Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society was established in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. This department was established to use past accomplishments in science and engineering in order to develop new fields needed by society while focusing on human needs. We believe that our selection as a satellite research location in the COI STREAM Program will form a base for realization of the department’s vision. We look forward to your cooperation and support.