Top>News>Student and Professor Win the Best Paper Award
Ryohei Tsuruoka (2nd year student in the Master's Program of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Information and Systems Engineering Major) and Professor Mitsunori Makino (Department of Information and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering) have won the Best Paper Award for their paper presented at an international conference.
*This award is given to six excellent papers among approximately 350 papers written in English presented at the international conference ITC-CSCC2011.
[Conference Name]
The 26th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2011)
[Award-winning Paper]
Title: A Visualization of Pedestrian's Visibility in Staircase Leading to Subway Station
Authors: Ryohei Tsuruoka and Mitsunori Makino
We would like to extend our congratulations to the authors for this truly magnificent award.
Pictures of the presentation at this international conference are shown on a special site set up by the Department of Information and Systems Engineering. Please check the links below for more information.