Top>News>Professor Awarded by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Faculty of Science and Engineering (Department of Precision Mechanics) Professor Hiroyuki Hiraoka has been honored with the 8th Contribution to Standardization Commendation Award by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. This award is presented for outstanding contributions in the creation of standards of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (including ISO drafts and JIS drafts) or for dissemination activities. The purpose of this award is to encourage the promotion and development of standardization. Two people, including Professor Hiraoka, were honored with this award in 2011. This is the eighth year of this award.
Name of the Award-winning Performance
Development of the international standards ISO10303 of product model representation (in particular the development of shape data quality standards)
Reason for the Award
He made a great contribution to the international standardization of industrial data, including the formulation of ISO10303-59. Furthermore, he contributed to the creation of JIS standards of the ISO10303 series and disseminating this information.
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