Top>News>Financial support for those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
To all entrance exam takers affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
We would like to offer our heartfelt sympathy to everyone who was affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
This year Chuo University has been offering financial assistance to students affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Furthermore, and as an additional financial support measure to entrance applicants from areas covered under the Disaster Relief Law, 2012 application fees will be waived. Details on application methods have been decided, so please check them at the link below.
Information regarding [Standardized Entrance Examination, General Entrance Examination and National Center Test Use Entrance Examination] is also published in the examination guide (application handbook).
We hope that this support will aid everyone's entrance into Chuo University and a continuation of rich and fruitful education.
November 28, 2011
Chuo University