Top>News>Use of a supercomputer to achieve a world's first record in quantum chemistry calculations -Contributing to science technology research by solving the optimization problem for clarifying the behavior of 3 molecules-
A research team led by Associate Professor Katsuki Fujisawa (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering , Faculty of Science and Engineering) has succeeded in achieving a world's first by performing detailed calculations of the optimization problem for clarifying molecular behavior of methyl radicals (CH3), ammonia (NH3) and oxygen (O2). In order to perform the calculations, the research team used the T2K Open Supercomputer delivered by Fujitsu Limited to the Kyoto University Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies.
The success of this research opens the way for calculating the behavior of complicated molecules which are not visible to the human eye. The research will contribute to the development of new medicines and new materials by clarifying the behavior of water molecules, the characteristics of protein, the process of photonic synthesis, and the mechanism of superconductivity. Furthermore, in addition to the fields of physics and chemistry, it is expected that the research will be applied to a broad range of fields including the natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering such as control design and signal/image processing.
For further details, please refer to the May 28th press release.