Top>News>Chuo University proposes measures for effective security trade control at universities
In order to maintain global peace and security, our country performs trade control to ensure that machines and technology that have military potential (known as sensitive technology), are not sent from Japan to countries that are developing weapons of mass destruction or similar devices (this is referred to as security trade control). Security trade control is performed under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan.
The importance of security trade control has increasedunder the current international circumstances.. The Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act was revised in November of 2009 as part of a response to this growing issue, and there is also concern that security holes exist at universities, which often engage in research exchange and the acceptance of foreign exchange students.
In the midst of such concern, Chuo University is setting a precedent for Japanese domestic universities by implementing a compliance program related to security trade control based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.
Furthermore, Chuo University believes that the concept and methods of security trade control must not simply be entrusted to individual universities. Our university recognizes the importance of sharing and refining such information throughout all universities and research institutions.
To increase awareness regarding this issue, Professor Hisashi Suzuki (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University) has given lectures regarding measures for effective security trade control at universities. Venues for his lectures include the 9th Research Symposium of the Japan Association of International Security and Trade, which was held in September 2009 at the Waseda Campus of Waseda University. Professor Suzuki also spoke at a public seminar entitled The Control of Sensitive Technology at Universities, which was held in November 2009 at the Mita Campus of Keio University. This seminar was part of the Program for Formulating Preparatory and Response Measures for Bio-Security and Bio-Defense in Japan: Joint Research of Medical Science & Human Social Science, which is a segment of the MEXT Strategic Support Project for the Formation of Research Infrastructure.
During his lecture, Professor Suzuki presented the idea that universities should establish a security trade control system before promoting international exchange. He also made specific proposals that included the incorporation of consciousness towards security trade control in the revision of courses and in skill development programs for staff and faculty.
For details, please refer to the lecture documentation listed below.