Top>HAKUMON Chuo [2015 Spring Issue]>Process of finding your profession
Yasuyo Nakajima/ Dean, Faculty of Law, Chuo University
Congratulations to the new students on your entrance to university. I would also like to offer my congratulations to those who have supported the students up until this day who are joining this occasion.
This year marks 130 years since 18 lawyers founded the English Law School in 1885. The founders were pioneers of developing global young students who believed in searching for best solutions wherever you were. They placed their values based on what they had learnt in England and America and did not only rely on theories and rules. This is where the founding spirit of Chuo University, “Fostering the Ability to Apply Knowledge to Practice” came from, which has been passed on as the university’s message, “Knowledge into Action.”
So what does the current world look like? As globalization rapidly develops and there are more interactions between people pursuing diverse values and benefits, it has become even more important to prevent and solve wars and conflicts that occur there. Also after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 3.11, more people have bonded with each other to solve various issues that surfaced as a result of the disaster. There were more people who have decided to stay and get involved in improving the situation. This brought light to the meaning and value of resources in a solution-needed area. At the Faculty of Law, we study the places where similar activities take place, think about how they make a difference, and sharpen your intellect.
I hope that you will feel a sense of belonging in the Chuo University Faculty of Law. Until the day you will reach your profession, we promise to support your ambitions and dreams.