Top>HAKUMON Chuo [2014 Autumn Issue]>Power of words – The campus tour conductor
Now recruiting tour conductors! Contact the Center for Admission for more details
Rika Isaka
Student Reporter
4th-Year Student at the Faculty of Law
A tour group moves from Building No. 8 to other faculty buildings. The tour conductor holds up a flag and leads the group.
Are you familiar with campus tour conductors? These tour conductors wear a Chuo University armband and carry the Chuo flag while leading high school students on tours of the vast Tama Campus. A single tour conductor is responsible for guiding about fifteen high school students. Conductors have a little less than one hour to convey the appeal of Chuo University. Although one hour seems to pass in an instant, a lot can happen in that short time. I remember about one year ago when all the students from a certain commercial high school came to Chuo University for a tour. I met my group in front of the Chuo Daigaku-Meisei Daigaku Station on the Tama City Monorail. Starting from the station, I led a tour of facilities such as the Central Library, student cafeteria and Student Research Building “Tower of Light,” exchanging pleasant conversation as we went.
Together with another tour conductors (4th year students). Each of us gives unique guidance to entertain high school students.
For high school students, touring a university campus is like visiting a whole new world. Tour participants were shocked at the scale of the library and cafeteria. One high school student joked that the Honoo-no-tou was so overwhelming that he wouldn’t be able to study. It was heartwarming to see such excitement from high school students. I will never forget what one student said to me at the end of this friendly and casual tour.
“I was planning on working after graduating from commercial high school, but I think I will consider going to university.”
The mere one-hour tour which I had conducted caused the young man to reconsider his future.
It was then that I strongly felt the responsibility of a tour conductor. We do much more than simply following a pamphlet and introducing Chuo University.
On the other hand, tour conductors also have much to gain through our contact with high school students. For example, we are reminded how lucky we are to study in such a wonderful environment.
The Central Library at Chuo University has one of the largest collections of books in Japan. The campus offers plentiful space for self-study, as well as facilities such as training rooms, gymnasiums and athletic fields. Chuo students may come to view such amenities as commonplace, but the surprise shown by high school students reminds us of how special our campus truly is.
I once gave a tour to students from China. Everyone raved about the beautiful greenery of the tree-lined road leading from the main gate. This caused me to notice the beauty anew.
Through tours, I am also reminded of how Chuo University is the gathering of diverse students from different backgrounds. High school students come from all corners of Japan and many countries of the world to participate in tours of our campus. Many such tour participants will someday become Chuo students themselves. Serving as a tour conductor reminds me not only of the physical appeal of Chuo University, but also of the outstanding students who study here.
At the introduction of a friend, I started serving as a tour conductor during my second year at university. This year marks my final year at university. During the last three years, I have shared time with high school students from a wide range of schools from mixed schools to all-girl schools, all-boy schools, higher professional schools and even overseas schools.
I have learned that so much can be shared in just one hour.
Based on what I have learned as a tour conductor, I will put my full effort into my few remaining tours.