Top>Hakumon CHUO [2012 Spring Issue]>[News Plus] Faculty and students from the University of Incheon receive training at Chuo University Japan-China-Korea Global Program
As part of the Japan-China-Korea Global Program, faculty members and students from the University of Incheon (Korea) came to Japan for training at Chuo University from February 4th to 10th. Participants consisted of 15 students and three faculty members, including Vice-President Lee Kabyoung. During the 6-day training period, participants visited the Tama Campus for an official visit with President and Chancellor Tadahiko Fukuhara.
Under the theme of establishing a base for research and education for creating sustainable regional design and governance for East Asia, this program is conducted by Chuo University (Japan), the University of Incheon (Korea), and the Tianjin University of Technology and the University of International Business and Economics (China). The group from the University of Incheon visited Japan as part of the preparatory phase before specific implementation of the program began this April.
Also, five faculty members and 23 students from Chuo University participated in an international symposium held by the University of Incheon from February 23rd to 25th. Together with participating faculty from the Tianjin University of Technology and the University of International Business and Economics, a review was conducted for specific future actions such as the mutual exchange of students, joint field work exercises and credit compatibility.
Specifically, by fully utilizing the research and education functions possessed by universities in order to propose environmental education and environmental policy, the program aims to create a center for research and education for creating sustainable regional design and governance for East Asia.
Research and educational projects that started at Chuo University in 1999 have been selected by the MEXT for the Support Program for Contemporary Educational Needs (2004) and the Program for Promoting High-Quality University Education (2008). The program has expanded these projects into China and Korea. Additionally, our university has created a Chuo University-Hachioji Method which aims to revitalize communities by utilizing university research and education functions. The program intends to expand this method at the University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), the Tianjin University of Technology (Tianjin) and the University of Incheon (Incheon).
Regarding specific project content for education and research, the participating universities from Japan, China and Korea will cooperate in conducting field exercises and will issue joint completion certificates based on the condition of enrollment in courses related to the program. The program will be conducted by utilizing existing courses and foreign study systems at each of the universities, and by taking full advantage of strong partnerships that have already been formed between university researchers from Japan, China and Korea.
Members from the University of Incheon pose for a commemorative photograph with President and Chancellor Tadahiko Fukuhara (front row, 4th from right)