Top>Event>Sign up for the EUROSTAT and EU Quiz! (May 8-30)
Date: Friday, May 8 to Saturday, May 30, 2015
Place: Chuo University Tama Campus Library 2F Display Area/ International Documents Room
To celebrate the annual Europe Day (May 9), and to commemorate the friendly ties between Japan and EU, Chuo University is participating in the EU-Japan Friendship Week as one of the 18 universities that provide a Center for EU Information in Japan.
At the display area in the Chuo Library, there are various documents relating to EU and EUROSTAT. Anyone can participate in the EU Quiz (information located in the same are) and winners will receive a prize including original EU goods.
Apply now! Application deadline is Saturday, May 30. Prizes will be given out between June 4 ~ June 25 at the Library’s International Documents Room (opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-17/ Sat 9:30-12).
Feel free to ask for more information at the International Documents Room.
About EU-Japan Friendship Week