Top>Event>Open Lecture by Professor Antonio Huerta of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Mar.20)
Ph.D. Northwestern University (USA) (1987)
Visiting Professor, Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, Swansea University, (since Dec 2012)
Visiting Professor, École Centrale de Nantes, 2002, 2004-07, 2012-15
Founding Academic Director of the Industrial Ph.D. Program for the Government of Catalonia (since 2012)
Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (May 2007 - October 2012)
Chairman, Department of Applied Mathematics III, UPC (May 1998 - January 2004)
Prandtl Medal, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 2008
Visiting Professor, Institut Universitaire de France, 2003
Elected Fellow of the International Association of Computational Mechanics, 2002
Advanced model reduction for decision-making in simulation-based engineering:
real-time, inverse and optimization in real engineering problems
Computational Mechanics tools are well integrated in the technological practice. However, the global effort (pre-process, solve and post-process) is a major overhead for real engineering problems. Thus, simulation-based engineering are not extensively used inreal-time for decision-making. Real-time (fast-queries) is critical for control of manufacturing processes, non-destructive-testing and fast decision-making at production phases. This is also the case for multiple-queries: optimization and parameter identification. These problems are pivotal for exploring the large parametric spaces; that is, for solving a large number of problems selected among a parametric family. Addressing multiple-queries in an efficient and reasonably accurate manner is crucial in some applications. The actual bottleneck lies in the computational effort to be furnished in solving each of the queries with the desired accuracy. This presentation aims at describing modern techniques in simulation-based engineering for fast and multiple-queries in real problems. After describing the Proper Generalized Decomposition method two applications will be presented:
The production of large thermoplastic composites parts is a challenging issue for today's aerospace and automobile industry. Automated tape placement (ATP) appears to be an appealing process. In this process a tape is placed and progressively welded on the substrate consisting in the tapes previously placed. By laying additional layers in different directions, a part with desired properties and geometry can be produced. The thermo-mechanical process is significantly affected by many material and process parameters (for instance, laser power and line velocity). Moreover, the heat conduction inside the part depends on the contact resistances at the inter-plies. Techniques for monitoring and controlling in real-time such process are extremely valuable in the industrial practice.
Analysis of the wave agitation induced by the incoming sea state is essential to assess the harbor safety. It allows evaluating potential damages in structures and design of operational projects, such as control of ship routing or dredging activities, among others. Most of preliminary analyses use linear models to maximize the area of study. However, they are limited by a coarse discretization of the incoming wave spectra in order to reduce computational costs. Each component of the spectra (frequency and incoming wave direction) involves by itself an expensive computation with several numerical challenges to be resolved.