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Responding to the Coronavirus

On behalf of the Chuo University Educational Foundation I would like to explain our response to the coronavirus for the sake of students, parents, alumni (graduates), and concerned parties. In addition, I would like to ask for your kind understanding.

At this time, when we have welcomed our new students for the 2020 academic year, we are facing an invisible enemy causing us unprecedented health concerns and major economic harm. It is no exaggeration to say that human wisdom is being tested regarding cooperation and effective measures needed to deal with this pandemic. Under these severe social conditions, I understand that students and parents are concerned about how classes are held in the new academic year, as well as whether students will be able to continue their studies appropriately in the future while there is the possibility that individual living and economic conditions may change dramatically.

In this unprecedented situation, Chuo University Educational Foundation (hereafter "the University") will, as a provider of public education, make every effort to secure the University's educational services and their uniqueness as far is as possible, no matter the circumstances we may encounter. Currently, at Chuo University and its affiliated schools, the President, Principals, and faculty members are exercising extraordinary attention and making every effort to establish measures while respecting the announcements and policies of the government. Furthermore, we are preparing measures in line with the situation of each school to secure learning opportunities for students and to ensure their safety in the coming term. As Representative Director, I will respect the tradition, originality, and independence of each school while keeping an eye on the educational foundation as a whole when responding to this situation.

Based on the 135-year history since our establishment, and guided by the philosophy of "Knowledge into Action," the University considers it our responsibility as an educational foundation to respond to our students' ambition to study and the desires of their parents to secure opportunities for learning. We will make every effort to fulfill this responsibility while securing safety and reassurance for all parties involved, including our faculty members, who support our educational services. We have been steadily promoting our mid- to long-term project plan, CHUO VISION 2025, for the last four years. However, as Representative Director, if it is determined unavoidable with regard to fulfilling our responsibility to this plan, I believe we need to bear in mind the possibility of partially postponing or reviewing the plan as needed in consideration for these turbulent economic and social times.

This new academic year must be a year full of hope for all students. The University as a whole will wholeheartedly support the activities of each school and protect this hope so that it is not lost. I ask our students, parents, and alumni, as well as our faculty members who are currently working under a tremendous burden, for your understanding and cooperation in coming together to overcome this uncertain situation.

Masahiko Omura
Representative Director
Chuo University

To the families of new students

Regarding the Learning Environment for Academic Year 2020, Announcements and Requests

On behalf of the faculty members of Chuo University, we would like to extend our very best wishes as well as our heartfelt concern during these very difficult times caused by the spread of the coronavirus. We sincerely hope you are being able to stay healthy and safe.

Once again, we would like to congratulate the freshmen for their admission to Chuo University, and to express our respect and gratitude to their families for their support. We welcome the academic year of 2020 in a highly regrettable situation as we take measures to prevent further coronavirus infections. We are delivering welcome messages to new students through our website instead of the entrance ceremony and are sending student ID cards and guidance documents by mail. Certain faculties are delivering some of the guidance information online from sites we provide on the Internet such as the Class Support System (manaba) and the Student Portal Site (C plus). In addition, we are taking special measures regarding the implementation of the academic year calendar and the student environment for studying and extracurricular activities. We will continue to work hard to ensure all new students can begin their studies in a safe environment.

Now, with the declaration of a state of emergency related to the new coronavirus and the designation of Tokyo as an affected area, we have been taking all the instructions and advice given by the national and Tokyo Metropolitan governments into careful consideration. We would like to inform you, therefore, of the guidelines and main measures set by the university, and to request your understanding and support. Please be aware that we will use the university website to notify you of any changes or additional measures as circumstances change. It is very unfortunate that students will have to stay at home without having the opportunity to visit the campus even after the school year begins. However, the only way to prevent the spread of infection is to reduce direct human contact. Please bear in mind that staying at home protects your loved ones. However, try to stay in contact with your friends and family through the Internet so as to not get isolated. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Chuo University, President Tadahiko Fukuhara
Fac. of Law, Dean Takashi Inomata
Fac. of Economics, Dean Akira Yamasaki
Fac. of Commerce, Dean Takeo Watanabe
Fac. of Sci. and Eng., Dean Kazuo Kashiyama
Fac. of Letters, Dean Takeshi Usami
Fac. of Policy Studies, Dean Hidetaka Aoki
Fac. of Global Management, Dean Hisashi Kawai
Fac. of Global Informatics, Dean Susumu Hirano